ITB China 2024: The world under one roof
Good morning everyone and welcome back to a second day at ITB China 2024!
Yesterday we kicked off the festivities with our traditional opening ceremony, followed by an inspirational welcome speech from Lydia Li, Director, ITB China and a keynote from Mr lbrahim Faisal, Minister at the Ministry of Tourism Maldives, this year’s official Partner Destination for ITB China. If you didn’t have a chance yesterday be sure to stop by the Maldives stand today, they have a number of culinary and cultural experiences in store!
Mr Xing Xiong, COO of Group, also gave a keynote yesterday on “Insights into the 2024 Civil Aviation Market.” For more insights from the COO you can read our exclusive interview with him on page 8.
Today the Presentation Hub will be focusing on MICE with a number of in-depth sessions. Of course I would recommend attending as many as you can, but you definitely won’t want to miss the SITE keynote “The current situation and prospects of the incentive travel industry from a global perspective” at 11:00 a.m. today with several industry experts. For those passionate about the impacts of technology on our industry, there will be a Travel Tech panel discussion at 2:00 p.m.
In between sessions, I encourage you all to get out there and make the most of having so many contacts under one roof. We have another full day of opportunities ahead of us, with a show floor full of destinations from across the world. Our industry is one based on human contact and relationships, and one face-to-face meeting can be worth a thousand emails.
With so much to see, hear, and experience, I wish you all a productive day 2 at ITB China 2024!

ITB China 2024:世界精彩荟萃于此
各位早上好,欢迎回到2024 ITB China第二天的展会现场!
昨天,激动人心的开幕式和ITB China项目负责人李佳的欢迎致辞为我们拉开了本届ITB展会的序幕。随后,马尔代夫旅游部部长易卜拉欣·费萨尔先生发表了主题演讲。今年,马尔代夫是ITB China的官方目的地合作伙伴。如果昨天您还没来得及参观马尔代夫的展台,今天一定不要错过那里丰富的美食和文化体验!
在会议间隙,希望大家充分利用在ITB China结识业内人士的机会。本届展会汇聚了来自全球的目的地,世界精彩荟萃于此,未知的机遇在等待大家探索。旅游行业的本质是人与人的联系,一次面对面的交流胜过千封电子邮件。
有如此多的内容可以看、听和体验,祝大家在2024 ITB China的第二天充满收获,度过充实而富有成效的一天!