Andalusia achieves record-breaking 147 blue flags for beaches, ports, and boats

Andalusia, the picturesque region in southern Spain, has achieved a remarkable feat by being awarded a historic total of 147 blue flags for its pristine beaches, well-managed ports, and sustainable vessels in 2023

This achievement represents the highest number of blue flags ever awarded to the region.

The Association for Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC), responsible for awarding the blue flags, announced that out of the 147 flags, 126 were designated to beaches, 19 to marinas, and two to sustainable boats.

Arturo Bernal, the Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport, expressed his enthusiasm for this remarkable accomplishment. He emphasised that the sunshine and beach segment has always been a significant draw for Andalusia as a destination.

The awarding of these blue flags serves as a testament to the region’s commitment to maintaining its coastline’s high standards and serves as a motivational factor for tourists when choosing their holiday destination.

Andalousia beach blue flags
Jorge Fernandez Salas – Unsplash

Bernal further explained that Andalusia is dedicated to ensuring the best possible conditions for its beaches, not only from a health perspective but also from an environmental standpoint. With the growing demand for sustainability among visitors, Andalusia has recognised the importance of addressing these concerns. The region has been working tirelessly to meet the evolving expectations and demands of tourists who prioritise environmentally conscious practices.

Among the provinces, Almería secured 33 blue flags including 32 for beaches and one for a port. Cádiz received 37, including 31 for beaches and six for ports, while Córdoba was awarded one blue flag. Granada attained 13, including 12 for beaches and one for a port, Huelva received 16, including 11 for beaches and five for ports, and Málaga emerged as the frontrunner with the most blue flags, a total of 47 – 39 for beaches, six for ports, and two for sustainable boats.

The blue flags are bestowed by the European Foundation for Environmental Education to beaches, ports, and boats that adhere to sustainable practices. To qualify for the blue flag certification, municipalities must undergo annual inspections and audits conducted by ADEAC. These assessments evaluate several criteria grouped into four categories: environmental information and education, water quality, environmental management, and security and services.

The significance of the blue flag awards extends beyond recognition and prestige. It indicates that Andalusia’s beaches are not only beautiful but also safe, clean, and environmentally responsible. The region’s dedication to meeting and surpassing these stringent criteria showcases its commitment to sustainable tourism and the preservation of its natural resources.

With its record-breaking number of blue flags, Andalusia has solidified its position as a top-notch tourist destination, particularly for those seeking sun-soaked beaches and an environmentally conscious experience. The region’s ongoing efforts to prioritise sustainability and provide visitors with unforgettable coastal experiences further enhance its appeal to tourists from around the world. As Andalusia continues to lead the way in promoting responsible tourism, it sets an inspiring example for other destinations to follow suit.

Read also : India paints its beaches blue

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