March 7, 2023

Tauber Valley: Enjoy cycling, culture and culinary delights

The Tauber Valley region offers a lot, from hiking paths to vineyards, from local cuisine to culture and medieval history. But one of the most important activities is cycling, as the area boasts 2,200 kilometres of cycle paths.

One of Germany’s most beautiful cycling routes is called “Liebliches Taubertal – Der Klassiker”. It starts in Rothenburg ob der Tauber and ends in Wertheim. There are e-bikes to be hired and around 85 recharge stations all over the region.

The stages of this 100-kilometre long path are between 30 and 40 kilometres long, and largely flat, so hobby cyclists and of course families will be able to enjoy their time to the fullest.

Hall 6.2 / Stand 301

Photo: © TLT – Tom Weller