FlockEO identifies the best tourism spots for eco-friendly travellers
FlockEO is a great new tool for people interested in sustainable travel. Their website sports a unique, bespoke world map, showing scores of eco-destinations. It helps travellers choose their itinerary, calculate their environmental footprint and get in touch with sustainable tourism professionals.
The trade is invited to participate by sharing their commitment and their actions towards the environment with travellers. FlockEO brings a range of indicators related to environmental impacts and underlines various companies’ contributions to sustainable tourism. In return, travellers have the tools to act in a responsible way.
FlockEO also created “FlockEO Partners” group, a B-2-B network implementing discussions and informal meetings. It is also a professional space to exchange information on sustainable development… knowing each other better.
The solution allows tourism actors access management tools that will enable them to measure real human impact and to propose effective actions to develop sustainability
Where does the name “FlockEO” come from? “Flock” describes birds’ gathering prior to migration. Like birds, sustainable tourism stakeholders gather on the Flockeo site to defend their values. As they say, “birds of a feather flock together”. And EO stands for Earth Observation as the site uses satellite data to help travellers in their decisions.